What are Energetics? How the Inner Shapes the Outer
Energetics sounds like a vague spiritual term but it really just describes the connection between our inner state and outer reality, which are constantly mirroring each other.
The things which keep showing up in our life are not random, rather they reflect the subconscious stories that we hold about ourselves, other people and life itself. These stories are formed from our youngest years and become imprinted within us (in both our minds and bodies) and then projected outwards into the world via the expectations, attitudes and energy that we carry.
Our stories can be either expansive or constrictive. They can tell us that we are deserving, loveable, that we can open ourselves up to others, take risks and make mistakes, and that the world is a beautiful and supportive place. Or they can tell us the opposite…
And the difference is what determines what we draw into our lives.
Let’s say we want to have a loving, committed relationship but we carry the story that people are inherently untrustworthy within us.
What will happen is that we will find that we either don’t attract any partners (no matter how hard we try) or we keep attracting people who are untrustworthy and let us down. Energetically, we block the very thing we want because on a deep level we don’t believe it is safe for us to have it.
This can happen, for example, if we grew up seeing a dynamic between our parents which was unhealthy and painful to us as a child. To make sense of the pain (and protect ourselves from it) we subconsciously formed the story ‘I can’t trust other people’. We then grow up and forget the story is even there.
But it’s still there in the background directing our life, only allowing space for certain experiences and people in our reality (that is, those that match our specific story or belief) and blocking us from others. This is why we keep finding ourselves in the same situation and attracting the same dynamics without understanding why.
But here is the exciting part –
As soon as we decide to shift our story our outer reality responds. This usually happens we find ourselves in an emotional rock bottom and are so uncomfortable that there is no option but to change (and if you’re in a rock bottom right now please don’t worry, it’s actually a fertile place to be!)
But we also don’t need to wait for a rock bottom, we can start changing our story and inviting in new possibilities at any time. That means looking honestly at where we’re at, bringing awareness to our specific beliefs and patterns of behaviour, understanding where they come from, and most importantly, feeling and releasing the emotions that lie behind them.
This is what we call the inner work.
From there we can practice embodying a new way of being.
Stepping more into our self-trust, saying no to the things that keep us feeling small and unworthy (no matter how alluring or shiny they may be) and expanding our ideas and beliefs around what we can have. We bring our actions and choices in line with what we truly want for ourselves.
When we do this, the kind of people, opportunities and experiences that we draw into our life radically change. Our reality becomes bigger, fuller and more flowing.
Change the inner, and you will change the outer. Learn more with our free guides and workshops here.
⎯ Kat